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La Sequia - J.G. Ballard
La Sequia
by: (author)
ISBN: 9788483469996
Publisher: Debolsillo
Edition language: Spanish
Community Reviews
Konnici na Liriite - Chevalier Du Lys
Konnici na Liriite - Chevalier Du Lys rated it
3.0 The Drought
The Drought by J G Ballard was another book that I didn't enjoy. I don't undestant all the nice things everyone says about this book. It his not that good but I am not a literary critic so I might be wrong. I have the other two books in this (could be) trilogy of disasters. Maybe one day I will adve...
FriedEgg rated it
3.0 The Drought (1960s A)
Well crafted for mood and atmosphere but not so much for characterisation and plot.
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