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5++++ Stars.Beautiful story! I would highly recommend.A woman on her own, trying to get by hires a passerby to help out. He's an ex-con, though, and the town folks don't accept him any more easily than they accept Elly. Elly has been a misfit for years, and she and Will become great friends and then...
This was one really sweet story.
Eu tenho uma queda por histórias do velho oeste americano, noivas e maridos por correspondência e tudo mais que acontecia na época. E já tendo lido vááários livrinhos nesse estilo, eu fiquei sem muita opção. Então fui buscar nos sites da gringa novas opções. E lá vem o nome dessa autora, LaVyrle Spe...
5+++ Stars!This is what I call Historical Romance! It's realistic, down to earth and absolutely beautiful! I loved it. It's a definite Must Read!
This was all so unexpected. I didn't think I could love a book like this so quickly.I usually am very iffy about period pieces and books in this sort of setting, but it so worked for me. It drew me in from the very beginning with its angst and heartbreak, and it turns out that I may be a glutton for...