by Kristen Ashley
Sweet, fantastically exciting reveal. It took ages to get to the reveal, and even then Sybil is TSTL. But i dont read KA for the women.Colin is amazing. He was abusively mean in the first half of the book. But then he had a vegetarian meal ordered for a whole group! Can you imagine serving a veg mea...
Reread May 19 - May 23 2014
No ghost in this book but two star crossed lovers reincarnated. I love this theme and despite one or two flaws I really loved the first half of the book. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the second one. Not only have I found that the second part dragged on, but for me there were too many in...
Kristen Ashley has done it again. This book was really good and Colin...seriously, I need to stand out in a storm and maybe I'll just happen to find me a Colin! (Though with my luck I'd likely get struck by lightening. Maybe I will re-think this plan). Sure, he was a jerk at first, and I admit to be...