by Samantha Grace
Lady Amelia's Mess And A Half is the second installment, and my first book to read from this author. In the last few months I have seen this author popping up more and more, so when I was at my local library, I decided to try this one out. The first one wasn't available, so I decided why not read t...
review to come
This is a rarity for me. I read - A LOT. But I don't always review them. If the book is less than great, I stick by the saying, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." But in this case, the book was so absurd, and so ridiculous, that I really can't resist. Lady Amelia's Mess and...
Lady Amelia Audley is back in town after the shocking death of her husband. She has dedicated herself to raising funds for an orphanage to improve their living conditions and she must secure some more funding so it forces her to attend a ball held by the mother of the only man she has loved, Jake H...