by Bethany Hagen, Leslie Bellair
For fans of The Selection, this might be an entertaining filler read. For about the first hundred pages, I felt the story was void of any real depth. It did pick up and sparked a little fire in my belly. But for the most part it was a light amusing read.
The book actually started out fairly decently, a sort of futuristic Downtown Abbey, but about halfway through the characters were beginning to grate on me and the story was beginning to lose focus. The characters lacked the necessary "on page" chemistry to carry the story.
Here's the thing: I don't like flighty female characters. I have a hard time associating with female protagonists who whine, worry, and change their opinions of things every other chapter. In Landry Park, however, it's hard to fault Madeline for being the way she is. Raised as a gentry girl, in opul...
"Downton Abbey meets The Selection in this dystopian tale of love and betrayal."What a misleading caption. I really hate the fact they're making this out to be like any other dystopian novels -- full of love. Landry Park was so much more than that. Many dystopian novels are not done well, and I'm ve...
“How long do you think you can live like this? How long can you dance and twirl in pretty dresses knowing that people are starving and dying?” “I guess I try not to think about it,” I said in a small voice. This book was not terrible, but the main character is frilly, the plot itself is fluffy, and ...
Landry Park takes place in a future society that relies heavily on nuclear energy and have separated into a rigid class system. The lower classes, or Rootless, are required to maintain the energy sources and are constantly exposed to radiation which keeps them sick and weak. The MC Madeline is of th...
I still don’t get why that particular period was chosen because in the end LANDRY PARK felt like it was trying to be For Darkness Shows the Stars but didn’t measure up. I get the period in FDSTS because it’s a retelling, yes? But why that period here? That aside, the questions on who they are why ar...
This sounds really cool and different. Definitely a must acquire.