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Larry Heinemann
Larry Heinemann was born and raised in Chicago. His award-winning first novel, "Close Quarters", has been called the seminal work to come out of the war in Vietnam. "Paco's Story", his second novel, received the National Book Award for fiction and the Carl Sandburg Literary Arts Award for... show more
Larry Heinemann was born and raised in Chicago. His award-winning first novel, "Close Quarters", has been called the seminal work to come out of the war in Vietnam. "Paco's Story", his second novel, received the National Book Award for fiction and the Carl Sandburg Literary Arts Award for fiction, among other honors. "Cooler by the Lake", a Chicago novel, was published 1992. "Black Virgin Mountain: A Return to Vietnam", a memoir and the third book in what Mr. Heinemann refers to as his accidental Vietnam trilogy, was published in 2005.In 2010 "Paco's Story" was published by the Womens Publishing House (Hanoi), translated by Pham Anh Tuan with an introduction by celebrated author Bao Ninh; "Chuyen Cau Paco" is the first American-written war novel to be published in Vietnam.Mr. Heinemann's short stories and non-fiction have appeared in a variety of publications both here and overseas, and numerous anthologies including "Humor Me", "The Other Side of Heaven", "Writing Between the Lines", "Vietnam Anthology", "Best of the Tri-Quarterly", "Lesebuch der Wilden Manner" (Germany), and "The Vintage Book of War Stories". His fiction has been translated into Dutch, German, French, Spanish, and Vietnamese.He has received literature fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Guggenheim Foundation,and the Fulbright Scholarship Program. Mr. Heinemann is the Writer in Residence at Texas A&M University.
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EricCWelch rated it 13 years ago
Vietnam just won’t let go, witness the continuing flood of novels, histories and memoirs to come out of that war. Admittedly, the number of Americans killed in Iraq and Afghanistan doesn’t approach the horrific count in Vietnam (at least one would hope it never does,) but I suspect the nature of th...
darkfictionreviews rated it 14 years ago
Close Quarters often times feels like a confessional presented in the form of fiction. A confession of what the author, Larry Heinemann, either did himself or witnessed his comrades do while serving his tour of duty in Vietnam. Or both. The story almost moves from scene to scene like a documentary. ...
EricCWelch rated it 16 years ago
This is not a book for the faint-hearted. If you don't like graphic violence, the f-word, and ethnic slurs, lots of brutal and mind-numbing sex, you should leave right now. Categorized as a novel, I suspect many of the incidents in this book reflected Heinemann's personal experiences in "the Nam." ...
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