by Robbie Whyte, Elyan Smith, Lillian Francis, Rebecca Cohen, Elin Gregory, Sandra Lindsey, Becky Black, Tam Ames, Josephine Myles, J.L. Merrow, Emily Moreton, Charlie Cochrane, Zahra Owens, Alex Beecroft, Clare London, Anne Brooke, Jordan Castillo Price
I will rate/review as I go, but I had to start today with a very special story.My dear friend Lucy sent me this quote from the book and I knew I had to move it up my TBR pile and read this particular story ASAP.Sollicito by Charlie Cochrane:“It’s not as simple for us. You need to carry both recessiv...
3,5 starsLashing of Sauce is an anthology where "you'll find stories both saucy and sweet, along whith many poignant and thought-provoking contributions."All stories put together make an average 3 stars rating but 4 of them are outstanding :Et Tu, Fishies? by J.L. MerrowGreat 1st POV voice, sweet an...
My contribution to this anthology is titled Waiting for a Spark.Naturally since I'm in this I won't be rating it.
• Post Mortem by Jordan Castillo Price: 3.5 stars• Dressing Down by Clare London: 3 stars• Et Tu, Fishies? by JL Merrow: 3 stars• Zones by Elyan Smith: Not my cup of tea• Sollicito by Charlie Cochrane: Shifters, no thanks• A Few Days Away by Elin Gregory: 3.5 stars• Vidi Velo Vici by Robbie Why...