by Hubert Selby Jr., Irvine Welsh
Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not easily shocked. But even I must admit, Hurbert Selby Jr.’s Last Exit to Brooklyn is like Bukowski on acid. More often than not, when writers try to tackle the unsavory aspects of the human condition, it comes off as cheap and affected. It takes a true wordsm...
I finally found a paperback copy of this, in the hopes that seeing the written words on the page would give me a better sense of the book's structure...Eh. Not so much!Still, this is a fantastic read. I can only imagine how confronting this must have seemed when it was first released. Even now, I th...
vile in its own right. Departs from the general rules of English some.... , so if you are a stickler, or get caught up in the missing comma, then id pass on this one. Really cruel with its overall themes and dead pan exploration of some pretty horrible shit. Seriously if your stomach generally turns...
A great book. It uses a style of language that is free flowing and that I do not normally care for. It's complete refusal to hide or soften anything will not be liked by most readers as too much and too blunt, but I think that people need to write that way,about these kinds of topics.It is really ...
Natanya Wheeler rec
Hubert Selby Jr.'s masterwork is just that: a masterwork. There are a range of joys to explore in this novel, including Selby Jr's use of style, his fragmented structure, his beautifully rendered characters who are often so fundemntally appalling and compelling at the same time. and the broken up mi...
Ein wirklich ausgezeichnetes Buch. Zu lesen ist es anfangs etwas schwer, weil Selby nicht wirklich der englischen Grammatik und Rechtschreibung folgt, oder auch nur stilistisch eingebürgerter Satzzeichensetzung. Allerdings, wenn man die Eigenheit des Schreibstils erst einmal gewohnt ist, liest es si...
Fabulous book, sad and brutal. Scenes from the underside that are painful, rough and surely real. Excellent writing. I hadn't expected to like this much, but it was great. I will be happy to miss the movie. The imagining was enough.