by Kara Weiss
This slim volume of five interconnected vignettes offers a portrait of Boston teens that is heartbreaking, disturbing, and impossible to ignore.Weiss' stories follow three friends -- Monty, who opens the volume with his stay at a juvenile detention center; followed by B.J., a young woman struggling ...
Monty, Erin and B.J. have been friends since they were young, but their relationships begin to strain as teenagers when both their choices and circumstances cause their lives to diverge. Following time in juvenile detention, Monty must adapt to life at home with a less than present father. Erin, bot...
Originally posted on my blog, A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall:Late Lights begins in a dreary, dark place with a sliver of hope. Just a tiny sliver, one that is constantly under threat of being snatched away.Monty really wants to change his life, but every single odd is against him. The complete lack ...