Blade A Bayou Heat Novella By Alexandra Ivy and Laura Wright 4 stars Arc copy provide for honest review Reviewed by: Angels With Attitude Book Reviews File Size: 283 KB Print Length: 120 pages Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited Publisher: Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated (August 8, 2017) Publi...
These are two of my favorite authors so I am glad I got the chance to read this story.This story was short and sweet and filled with emotional trama for both Valli and Blade.Valli and Blade were held by a monster and both suffered greatly but, for Valli they messed with her memories that made things...
Blade is the story of a kidnapped Pantera shifter and a kidnapped human woman who are tortured into an unbelievable circumstance: a pregnancy by force. You can read this story without having any knowledge of the world Ivy and Wright have created; they give you enough info to understand the what, whe...