Lauren Henderson
Birth date: January 01, 1966
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Rating: 2.5/ 5The plot: The follow up to 'Flirting in Italian.' This novel continues Violet's summer journey to shop, sight see, enjoy the arts, and travel around Italy. However, her main mission continues as she seeks to uncover the truth of identity and family history. Throw in the fact that h...
Decent, tight plot observant enough to make great points about British aristocracy (in my humble and likely misinformed opinion, anyway) but not self-aware enough to make any point a subtle one. Also it starts to get annoying when descriptions of the characters' personalities go downhill from class ...
Nera + Siniša =
To see full review click here: have mix feelings about this book. It was okay at first. But a bit of a disappointment. The first thirty or so pages were really excellent. The premise was great. A historical mys...
"Ci sono trenta modi per salvare il mondo, ma uno solo perche il mondo salvi me—che io voglia star con te, e tu voglia star con me."Visiting in Italy is the way Violet chose to spend her summer vacation. But it’s not really her plan - not since she saw a portrait of a young Italian Girl from an 18th...