I received a copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review. No other consideration was offered, expected or received.The point of view in this book changes back and forth with each chapter (between Taralie and Alex). This is a little uncomfortable at times, but gives you a good look on what i...
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review. No other consideration was offered, expected or received. This book is written from Alex's point of view, and begins a couple of months later in an airport, where him and Cora have gone to pick up the sister's father, Blake. Just l...
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review. No other consideration was offered, expected or received. I know – you're thinking "Another vampire story?!?!" When I originally read the book description, I felt the same way. I actually had to think long and hard about whether I ...
This was an interesting read. I was pulled into the story of Taralie and her sisters- witches who had their powers thrust upon them suddenly, after growing up unaware. Take a halfling witch, make her into a vampire and oh my the things that will happen! While on the run from the Milunfran (witch...
A story that is completely different from the other stories out there. It's about a coven of witches turned into wanted vampires. The four women are part of a witch heritage that they were completely unaware of until they were forced to seek refuge with their father. Their mother died during childbi...
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