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Lauren Sabel
Young Adult
Lauren Sabel's Books
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Community Reviews
FictionZeal rated it 8 years ago
A young teen, Callie Sinclair, was at a park with her family and was approached by a man who called himself Indigo. My first thought was he’d lead her away from her family and abduct her. But, no! His intentions were purely for business purposes. He’d been watching her over time and figured out ...
Stormy Vixen's Book Reviews
Stormy Vixen's Book Reviews rated it 8 years ago
At seventeen, Callie Sinclair is the government’s youngest psychic spy, but if she doesn’t find a way to change the events she’s seen, she could lose the people she loves the most…and her mind in this exciting YA thriller. The story is well written with lots of details that capture the imagination...
Rachel Blogs
Rachel Blogs rated it 9 years ago
Check out my blog for the full review at Rachel Blogs.This book wasn't much, it's easily forgettable and not something I'll go out of my way to recommend, and the synopsis was super misleading. This was much more "privileged white girl goes and experiences Mexican culture because someone might want ...
Khanh the Killjoy
Khanh the Killjoy rated it 10 years ago
A line pops into my head, one I repeated dozens of times to get the right balance of hope and desperation that the Zombie Killer is known for. All that stands between me and the end of the world...is a bobby pin. I have two, motherfuckers. Vaya con dios, mi amigo. No, that's not a quote from the boo...
Howdy YAL!
Howdy YAL! rated it 10 years ago
Did I ever mention I wanted to write soap operas… I’m sure I did. This book is what gives soaps a bad name. In fact, I don’t think I’ve seen a soap opera that is this messed up since the network was purposely trying to cancel All My Children and they had Dixie die by tainted pancakes. G...
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