Lavie Tidhar
Birth date: November 16, 1976
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BrandEssence Market Research Announces another top to bottom industry research that spotlights on Underwater Cameras Market, conveys itemized examination of the market and future prospects of Underwater Cameras Market. The critical and significant data in the study makes the research a very importa...
"The Shambleau called Carmel came to Central Station in spring, when the smell in the air truly is intoxicating. It is a smell of the sea, and of the sweat of so many bodies, their heat and their warmth, and it is the smell of humanity’s spices and the cool scent of its many machines." In “Central...
I finished this earlier today and not really sure what to think about this. It has some interesting stories within the novel but not really sure what the point of the overall book was.3 Stars for a novel I am not sure what I fell about it.
Great contemporary writers on an important topic. Go read it already.
Lavie Tidhar’s The Bookman introduces us to a bold alternate world flavored by Western literature. I lost count of all the literary references in this tale about an orphan (called Orphan, for clarity) who suddenly becomes very interesting to the government and several revolutionary groups. On top of...