Before focusing on writing horror and dark fantasy, American author Lawrence Santoro spent thirty years as a director, producer and actor in theater and television.In 2001 his novella "God Screamed and Screamed, Then I Ate Him" was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award by the Horror Writers...
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Before focusing on writing horror and dark fantasy, American author Lawrence Santoro spent thirty years as a director, producer and actor in theater and television.In 2001 his novella "God Screamed and Screamed, Then I Ate Him" was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award by the Horror Writers Association. In 2002, his adaptation and audio production of Gene Wolfe's "The Tree Is My Hat," was also Stoker nominated.In 2003, his Stoker-recommended "Catching" received an Honorable Mention in Ellen Datlow's 17th Annual "Year's Best Fantasy and Horror" anthology. In 2004, "So Many Tiny Mouths," was cited in that anthology's 18th edition. In the 20th, his novella, "At Angels Sixteen," from the anthology A DARK AND DEADLY VALLEY, was similarly honored.Larry's first novel, "Just North of Nowhere," was published in 2007. You can view a trailer for the book at: December, 2011, a collection of his short fiction, DRINK FOR THE THIRST TO COME, was published was published by Silverthought Press. A video trailer for DRINK… can be seen at: its inaugural show in January of 2012, Larry has hosted the weekly horror podcast, "Tales to Terrify" (, the sister-show to the Hugo Award-winning StarShipSofa.RECENT ADDITIONS: In October, 2013, his Vietnam-era horror tale, "Instructions on the Use of the M-57 Clacker" appeared in the anthology, FEAR THE REAPER from Crystal Lake Publishing.In November, 2013, his Lovecraftian story, "Jars," was published in CANOPIC JARS: TALES OF MUMMIES AND MUMMIFICATION from Great Old Ones Publishing.Larry lives in Chicago and is working on a new novel, "A Mississippi Traveler, or Sam Clemens Tries the Water," as well as adding to a linked collection that spins off from his steampunk novella, "Lord Dickens's Declaration."Stop by his blog: or listen weekly to his horror podcast, Tales to Terrify,
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