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Le Cycle d'Elric, tome 4 : Elric le necromancien - Michael Moorcock
Le Cycle d'Elric, tome 4 : Elric le necromancien
by: (author)
ISBN: 9782266115438 (226611543X)
Pages no: 157
Edition language: French
Series: The Elric Saga (#3)
Community Reviews
Brian's Book Blog
Brian's Book Blog rated it
4.0 The Weird Of The White Wolf
Third of the Elric novels. In this, he comes to realise and question his dependence on Stormbringer, and meets up with Moonglum who becomes his sidekick for the rest of the series.A short read, containing several short stories of the standard swords and sorcery variety along with the deeper sentimen...
Brian's Book Blog
Brian's Book Blog rated it
4.0 The Weird Of The White Wolf
Third of the Elric novels. In this, he comes to realise and question his dependence on Stormbringer, and meets up with Moonglum who becomes his sidekick for the rest of the series.A short read, containing several short stories of the standard swords and sorcery variety along with the deeper sentimen...
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd rated it
2.0 Elric meets Moonglum
I know I have read this one because I have pretty much read most of the Elric books (though there is one I believe that I didn't read because it got to the point where I had begun to lose interest in them and had moved on to bigger and better things). This is not one of the best of the Elric books, ...
Cave Dweller
Cave Dweller rated it
Oh, Elric. Do thou not knoweth? One must imagine Sisyphus happy.And congratulations Mr. Moorcock. You managed to reduce Elric to whiny, spineless, predictable, pathetic wimp (and no, putting your tongue into every single female that says 'Hi' does not change that). So many good ideas, all gone to wa...
sologdin rated it
More pulpy sword & sorcery, episodic, fast-paced to the point of parody.Includes what is now the obligatory cryptic prologue. Prologue here has the virtue of self-riducule, wherein the hero is not Elric, but his ancestor Aubec, from whom he had the sword in volume I, prior to achieving the nuclear-...
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