Le Zahir
9782738219145 (2738219144)
Publish date: 2007
Publisher: Succès du livre
Pages no: 363
Edition language: French
Score: 5/10My wife is always right. As they all are……would be, I’m sure, a very polarising beginning of a review which is aimed to connect, so I will start a little differently.(I’m sure though, I would get some “Totally know what you are talking about…” Just sayin’…)She (my wife) said: “I think he ...
I've heard great things about this author, from people who I consider to have good taste in writing. I have a feeling I just picked the wrong book to start on from him. Looking at the other reviews I see the indication that this is not as good as his other work. So, I'll try something else at some p...
Un beau parcours, une belle recherche, une introspection et beaucoup de questionnements sur l'amour et nos relations. Un peu dur à aborder au début, le livre devient plus aisé à lire ensuite. Certains passages m'ont touchés, certaines phrases interpellés mais j'ai eu du mal à m'attacher à l'histoire...
This book was something of a drag. A man's wife leaves him. There are no arguments and she does not explain anything. She just leaves and, of course, he is wondering why. His description of the courtship explains it pretty well to me. He had expended a good deal of effort to get her interested in hi...
Zahir w języku arabskim znaczy: widoczny, obecny, niemogący ujść uwagi. Może to być istota lub przedmiot. Gdy napotkamy go na swej drodze zajmuje stopniowo cały nasz umysł, aż do momentu, kiedy nie jesteśmy już w stanie myśleć o niczym innym. Może to być postrzegane jako oznaka świętości lub szaleńs...