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Death Marked by Leah Cypess Book 2 (final) of Death Sworn A young sorceress’s entire life has been shaped to destroy the empire controlling her world. But if everything she knows is a lie, will she even want to fulfill her destiny? The sequel to Death Sworn is just as full of magic and surprisin...
I can't believe it ended like that!!! I was totally expecting a trilogy and BOOM! It ended. So Sad about it. Other than the ending though, I thought it worked out pretty well. I do think the romance could have had more substance. But that ending....No spoilers, but just saying... Watch out for it. :...
After reading and mostly liking Cypess’s Death Sworn last year, I definitely wanted to read the second book in the duology. Ileni has left the assassins’ cave and is now in the sorcerers’ power. But what she finds there will test her loyalty all over again. As with the first book, my reaction is mos...
Arc provided by Harper Collins Children through Edelweiss Release Date: March 3rd I am just going to come out and say this, a little like pulling a band aid, fast and clean: I did not enjoy reading this story, and since I am not a fifteen year old girl, no, that reason doesn't have anythin...
This was a very compelling fast paced read, with characters that actually behave according to logic, despite their age. Imagine that. The only negative point of this story, its the world-building that is actually extremely vague to say the least. I was left with no idea of the time period in which...