I have been storytelling almost as long as I can remember, starting somewhere around the age of four or five with making up my own bedtime stories. In grade school the stories became episodes of my favorite radio and TV shows, predating the fan-written Star Trek literature by decades. Then, in...
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I have been storytelling almost as long as I can remember, starting somewhere around the age of four or five with making up my own bedtime stories. In grade school the stories became episodes of my favorite radio and TV shows, predating the fan-written Star Trek literature by decades. Then, in keeping with wisdom that says the golden age of science fiction is about age eleven, at that age I discovered science fiction and fantasy. That first SF novel hooked me on SF and fantasy. But along with the pleasure of devouring this marvelous literature came fear. I lived in a small town with a small library and I saw I would soon read the section dry. So to keep from running out of science fiction, I began writing my own. And because the mystery section adjoined the SF/Fantasy section, leading me to discover mysteries about the same time as SF, my stories tended to combine SF with mystery. They still do, resulting in supernatural mysteries and urban fantasy...with a noticeable fondness for cops. Vampire cop Garreth Mikaelian hunts killers in Blood Hunt and Bloodlinks (published together by Meisha Merlin as BloodWalk) and in Blood Games. I have future cops Janna Brill and Mama Maxwell in three novels (The Doppelganger Gambit, Dragon's Teeth, and Spider Play)space-going cops in Deadly Silents, werewolf cops in my novel Wilding Nights, and a ghost cop in Killer Karma.Beginning Blood Games, Wilding Nights, Killer Karma and my African fantasy novel The Leopard's Daughter, my books are now being re-published in e-book editions.
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