Unterzakhn tracks the lives of two sisters, Esther and Fanya, living in New York at the start of the 20th century. The twin daughters of Jewish immigrant parents, their lives take divergent paths. One enters a brothel, eventually becoming an actress, and the other trains as a midwife and helps perfo...
Not really my cup of tea in terms of style but the story was interesting, although extremely disturbing sometimes. Trigger warning required.
Very dark. Loved some of the art.
has something of the Satrapi about it, only more dramatic.
UnterzakhnbyLeela Cormanor Underthings in Yiddishis a bawdy tale of twin sisters in New York's lower East Side at the turn ofthe century. One works for the lady-doctor who secretly performs abortions and one works for the woman who runs the burlesque andwhorehouse. Tragedy ensues but not where you'...