by Philip Matyszak
Written in the style of a manual for the would-be legionary in 100 AD, this book manages to both educate and entertain in equal measure.Starts with requirements for joining up, looks at different parts of the army, explains where legions are based (and what can be expected there), then goes into eve...
Legionaries is a light-hearted (?) look at the life and times of a Roman soldier c. AD 100, when Rome was at the height of its power and the legions were at the height of their professionalism, couched as a guidebook about what to expect for the next 25 years of the new recruit’s life.I’ve been a st...
Read the first half on the flight to Disneyland; the second half on the way back. First off, this is a good book - well bound, thick pages, a joy to hold! Second, the contents are really well done. A nice overview of life as a Roman Soldier circa 100 AD, with a few "hints" about the future. An excel...