Set against the beautiful backdrop of the Vosges Mountains, this chilling novella tells the tale of the real-life writer J.M.R. Lenz’s 19-day stay in Waldersbach in 1778. It describes his wanderings around the mountainous surroundings and his worsening fits of madness that eventually culminate in...
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Set against the beautiful backdrop of the Vosges Mountains, this chilling novella tells the tale of the real-life writer J.M.R. Lenz’s 19-day stay in Waldersbach in 1778. It describes his wanderings around the mountainous surroundings and his worsening fits of madness that eventually culminate in his removal, under guard, to Strasbourg. Valued both as a chilling exploration of paranoid schizophrenia and an influential forerunner of literary modernism, this existential drama boasts a prose style startlingly ahead of its time.
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Format: paperback
9781847490858 (1847490859)
Publish date: January 1st 2010
Publisher: Oneworld Classics
Pages no: 128
Edition language: English
I wrote a whole essay about how Georg Buchner predicted Nietzsche's famous "look into the abyss" quote, the entire stream-of-conscious-thought modern lit movement, Inception's "how do I know if I'm awake or asleep" and modern medicine's rhetoric on schizophrenia. It's actually a bit unsettling but t...