I'm a sucker for a tortured hero who pulls himself from society in order to protect others from himself. Of course, in these type of books, someone other than the hero is behind the evil that is happening and convincing the hero that he is the beast. Beauty Tempts the Beast is no different, Lord A...
3.5 stars! Review coming shortly.
Source: 7.2out of 10 - GOOD READ!First line: He was forbidden.Memorable Scene: -scene at the lagoon where Andreus finally takes Ariana > the build up to it made it an impressively climactic sceneTABOO is my first encounter with Leslie Dicken’s work, despite having two of her historical romances on m...
Is the enemy of her enemy a friend…or a beast?Lord Ashworth is scarred by a night of terror years ago that left his face in ruins and his life in shreds. He hides in Silverstone Manor, using rumors that paint him as a horrible, murdering monster to keep visitors at bay. Yet he can’t shake the feelin...