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When I first started reading this I found it hard to follow, four different story-lines and I was confused, couldn't figure out what was going on nor who was who. My advice is to just enjoy the story let it lead where it takes you, don't try to figure out where it is going. Eventually that is what I...
This was a great mix of literary, historical and mystery/puzzle fiction. It's a dark tale, where the freaks embody humanity and the so called normals, well not so much. It's a slow reveal, and even when you stay frosty, you will have some "I didn't see that coming" moments. Incredible diverse ca...
I lOVED Church of Marvels by Leslie Parry Set in the New York at the turn of the century this stroy is cleverly written and such an engaging novel full of twists and turns with complex characters and a plot that is dark and gritty. ( Just my kind of story )My favourite thing about this novel was ...
The prologue of Leslie Parry’s Church of Marvels might lead you to think that it’s the story of Belle Church, a sword-swallower and contortionist. (Readers who cheat and jump to the end of the book and scope out of the epilogue will end up thinking the same.) In reality, Church of Marvels is about f...
All great shows, she told me when I was little (and still learning to flex the tiny muscles in my esophagus), depend on the most ordinary objects. We can be a weary, cynical lot