by John Ajvide Lindqvist
Either horror has changed since the last time I was a big horror reader, or I am a certified wuss.I have read a lot of Stephen King, Peter Straub, Shirley Jackson, Lovecraft, and Poe. Heck, my first fiction sales were horror stories. All of this prepared me for reading Let Me In about as well as a s...
I wasn't quite sure I wanted to write an actual review/reflection about this novel. I didn't "learn" anything from this book (except maybe how not to troll for victims of my or my master's vampiric lusts?), and other reviewers here (and elsewhere) have adequately summarized the story for the interes...
2008 Tiptree Award Honor List
Creeped me the hell out. Reminded me of the Silence of the Lambs in tone. Very good, I couldn't stop reading to see what was going to happen. Not my normal cup of tea...a little too bleak.
Combining gory horror with tender teen angst, this book is not for the faint of heart. I loved the damaged characters, though, especially Oskar, who decides that a blood-sucking, mutilated vampire who loves him is no worse than the violent thugs, or even the well-meaning, ineffective adults around h...