by Iona Grey
Now and again a book comes along that is just so perfectly formed that I almost don't mind if nothing happens. Letters to the Lost was one of these, so beautifully written that I didn't want it to end, and when it did I was left with tears streaming down my face. There are two time eras involved, ...
In this love story, letters link the past (WWII) and the present (2011). The reader gets taken back to the past, told through the reading of old letters found at an old house. It evokes a sense of nostalgia and sentimentality of an era gone by, and some sadness too, as the lovers are separated after...
Even though it was a Letter Writers Alliance book club pick, I gave up on this one, for a major, spoilery reason: The possibly closeted gay man rapes his wife for suggesting maybe he's not happy with women. Really, it's not a great time in Britain for anyone who is/was gay, but that's a little far ...