Liebe Und Verrat Die Prophezeiung Der Schwestern
9783442476831 (3442476836)
Publish date: 2012
Publisher: Goldmann Verlag
Edition language: Deutsch
I think I'm just done with this. I'm dreading picking it back up. It's not terrible, but I honestly don't care about the prophecy, and if I don't care about a bloody prophecy, this is not the book for me. Prophecies are my bread-and-butter. The characters are pretty thin and rather alarmingly one-...
Mit diesen Auftakt zur Trilogie rund um die Prophezeiung der Schwestern habe ich schon lange in der Bibliothek geliebäugelt und nun endlich zugegriffen ;) Eine jahrhundertealte Prophezeiung. Zwei Schwestern, die in einen Strudel unerklärlicher Ereignisse gerissen werden. Nur gemeinsam können si...
Lia und Alice sind Zwillinge und auch Gegenstand einer uralten Prophezeiung in dessen Verlauf die beiden Mädchen ungewollt zu erbitterten Feindinnen werden. Alleine das hat mich sehr neugierig auf das Buch gemacht, aber ob es meine Erwartung erfüllen konnte? Sie sind so unterschiedlich wie Tag...
It took me awhile to read this book--there were many glowing reviews out there and I figured I would wait a bit before jumping in and checking it out. In the end, I am definitely glad I read it, but I have to admit it was slow going for me for about the first 100 pages--I had a difficult time gettin...
This book was good. I had it sitting on my shelf for the longest time, always planning to read it and always pushing it back. So while doing a reading challenge on Goodreads, I decided to read this book. From the synopsis of the book, its hard to tell what exactly the book is about because its very ...