In Life Class, Pat Barker explores the nexus between art and war. The first half of the book concerns three young people studying in a prestigious art school in London. These students are suffering from the anxieties typical of youth. Class barriers, the pressures of the school's demands, their...
Life Class counterpoints the life lessons learned by a set of young English men and women first in an art school, the Slade, with bits of externality coming into the picture as the protagonist, Paul, becomes involved with a woman whose abusive ex succeeds in stalking and then attacking him. Later th...
This was a good book, but not a great one. I'm not sure what was missing, but there is a distance in her writing that makes the characters unengaging and seem almost aloof. I much preferred the Regeneration books and Another World.Having said that, I'm still glad I read it. She's one of the best wri...