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Life Sucks - Community Reviews back

by Gabriel Soria, Gabe Soria, Jessica Abel, Warren Pleece
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EpicFehlReader rated it 10 years ago
I liked the storyline but was bothered by the use of gay and Hispanic slurs. I think my favorite character, actually, was Merle the biker vampire. I just liked his straightforward, no BS personality, wished he had had a bigger role in the story. A solid 3 star fun read with some great comedic moment...
Bibliofiend's Bookbag
Bibliofiend's Bookbag rated it 11 years ago
sixthreezy readsies
sixthreezy readsies rated it 12 years ago
Kinda like an Archie type comic with vampires... It was a little too dramatic for me, with no comedy or action.. Just a love story about a miserable vampire that likes a human girl, but can't seem to get all his other vampire acquaintances to give him a hand.
Mirkat Always Reading
Mirkat Always Reading rated it 12 years ago
Most "vampire" stories in popular culture romanticize the "undead" experience, but what if it really, um, sucks? Dave Miller never wanted to be a vampire, yet creepy Radu, a genuine old-country vamp from Romania, changed him over only so that he'd have a night manager for his all-hours convenience s...
Reading Robyn
Reading Robyn rated it 13 years ago
Life Sucks is a graphic novel that sells itself as a possibly interesting take on another vampire tale of darkness. This story is all about removing vampire lore from its classic romanism and into some form of reality where you need to pay rent and stuff. All of the elements here are very workable c...
CJ the Book Peddler
CJ the Book Peddler rated it 13 years ago
Not what I was expecting. Not bad and the art was ok but nothing about this book grabbed me so hard that I would recommend it to people. Felt a bit YA to me.
Itinerant Librarian on Books
Itinerant Librarian on Books rated it 14 years ago
I was tempted to give this book just three stars because I found the character of Rosa irritating. She was basically the stereotype of the girl, who seems smart, but in the end is just another girl who fails to see something good in front of her to fall for the bad pretty boy. It's something I alway...
Kaethe rated it 15 years ago
I really enjoyed the realistic take on the whole vampire mythos. I would cheerfully read another volume or six.
anderlawlor rated it 17 years ago
I'm a Jessica Abel fan, and I like supernatural stories, but this is not her best work. Among other things, why didn't she draw as well as write? She's a far more appealing artist than the guy they got to do it. Ultimately the story is thin.
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