by Paulette Jiles
Lighthouse Island by Paulette Jiles is the story of Nadia's quest to find the utopian Lighthouse Island that may or may not exist in her dystopian world. Individual sentences in the book have a lyrical quality to them, but together they make for a book that is difficult to read and follow. Due to it...
Lighthouse Island is as much about Nadia’s escape from the brutal cityscape as it is about mankind’s perpetual fight against repression and the absurd. Humans will tolerate dictatorships in the guise of benevolent and well-meaning governments for only so long before something happens that changes th...
I had been excited about Lighthouse Island since I first heard about it several months ago, instantly drawn to the idea of a dystopian novel from an author with a literary background. While the mechanics of Jiles's writing holds up, she struggles with coherent worldbuilding from the start, making it...