by Amy Lane, L.A. Witt, SE Jakes, Anne Tenino, Z.A. Maxfield
Overall I really enjoyed the stories in this Valentine's Day Anthology. Reading this while I was in the process of reading 'The Bluewater Bay' series was perfect timing for me and just worked really well. It was a nice break from the longer stories involved and a chance to go back to some of the cha...
I've only read the one book so far in this anthology... of course, it had me crying on the train :( It was a set up for the book about to be released in June of this year, The Deep of the Sound. It honestly was such a sad story, but very well written as always by Amy Lane. I will get to the oth...
I went straight to the Anne Tenino story. And I'm BUMMED. It's not a full romance. Not even a HFN. It reads like a prologue. There's nothing on her website or Riptide to indicate there WILL be more. That's frustrating. If there IS going to be another book/continued story, I'm disappointed there woul...