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I need a Nelson. Not that I'm a Florence. Heck no... I'll leave the police to do their jobs, lol. Have to give her credit for caring so much, though. Florence is a 23-year-old Avon lady and part-time cashier, still living with her parents. Nelson has been her best friend for years. When Eddie, a boy...
Randy seems to have acquired Emily and ends up merging with her. This is a cute story. This was an enjoyable story similar to a Pretty Woman vibe. Although, Emily is no prostitute. She is kind of a weak female and to nasty boss's point, she isn't good at her job. Each time she's at the job, she...
Going with the FLo is an enjoyable read. I loved Florence and Nelson. Romances where the couple have been friends forever and finally admit they want more are the best kind. Nelson is very protective of Florence. He is always rescuing her from crazy situations that she gets herself into. They ...