Lillian Hoban
Birth date: May 18, 1925
Died: July 17, 1998
Lillian Hoban's Books
Silly Tilly the mole, apparently her glasses give her a better memory, cause once they are lost, she has no memory. And will the Easter Bunny, remember Silly Tilly's Easter basket?
OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH. I owned this book when I was about 4 or 5 years old, and it came with a 45 vinyl record. I used to play the record on my plastic Fisher Price record player and follow along with the book. One day I accidentally sat on the record and broke it. I cried. I was s...
I love Frances. I love when kids come to my house and clamor for more Frances books. I love still having a few in reserve. I love reading them to people. I love reading them to myself. I am barmy for Frances.But this Frances book has the best line in maybe the whole series, and one I quote on approx...
This one was a big hit with both the little boy and the medium-sized girl who are here today. Running away under the dining room table is the single most enchanting thing they have ever heard of. I suspect they will be trying it for themselves shortly.One can't go wrong with Frances.
The kids weren't too impressed with Arthur's attitude, but they loved the twist ending, and they enjoyed seeing Aruthr's transformation from being annoyed by Violet to thinking that she wasn't so bad after all.