The Naked Truth is the second installment in Lilly Cain’s science fiction/erotic romance series, The Confederacy Treaty. Like the first book in the series, Alien Revealed, this one also follows the developing relationship between a human and an Inarri, an alien race looking to enter into an interga...
Every once in a while, you need a little escape from reality. And this little ebook gave me exactly that, served up with a healthy side-order of delectable sexy goodness.Sue is an officer in Earth's space command, who was taken prisoner and tortured for information. But after she is rescued, she is ...
$3.19 on Nook
I kind of like these futuristic sci-fi novels. I might have to look up more of them. I liked the way the romance developed. It happened over a short period of time, but it was believable. The characters were well developed considering the timeline and the story was interesting.
This is a Quickie Review. For the full review, please visit The Romanceaholic.Expected Release Date: June 13, 2011Publisher: Carina PressImprint: N/AAuthor’s Website: Source for This Book: NetgalleyPart of a Series: Yes, Book 2, The Confederacy Treaty SeriesSeries Best Re...