My ratings in detailColor Me ~ *2 stars* ~ My ReviewLabor of Love ~ *4 stars* ~ My ReviewCody and the Hermit ~ *4 stars* ~ My ReviewHidden Amongst Stars ~ *4 stars* ~ My ReviewHeatstroke ~ *3 stars* ~ My ReviewKeep Me ~ not rated ~ My ReviewLike the Taste of Summer ~ *3.5 stars* ~ My ReviewTears of ...
***Read as part of the free [b:Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Two|12993786|Don't Read in the Closet Volume Two|Blaine D. Arden||18154040] anthology. Story #25***A cute and lovely story. Just too short for any real development.I would have like...
Done with Volume Two!1-7%Blaine D. Arden – COLOR ME (Paranormal)** 2,5 plot hole stars ** Review here.7-9%Mandy Beyers – THE PRESENT IN ROOM FOUR (Rent Boy/Hurt-comfort)* 1 bad bdsm star * Review here.9-11%JR Boyd – LABOR OF LOVE (Blue Collar)** 2 Ohmugod stars ** Review here.11-15%JM Cartwright – A...
*** 3 lawn mower boys ***---------------------"What do you want to do, Henry?""Do? Right now I'd like to just sit like this watch the sunset with one of the nicest guys I know." (...)They sat there a long time, watching the stars come out. Every once in a while they would start kissing and hugging e...
My first DNF of 2014. Haven't been impressed with the stories I've read and I just don't like short stories. That's on me. But I haven't liked what I've read so far. On to better, longer things.
Maybe, maybe 3*This is the kind of book that I am sure I would have enjoyed much more in my early days of m/m reading. It's a light, uncomplicated and utterly sweet story with a few morals and lessons thrown in for good measure.I liked the professions of a chef/restaurant owner and his lover the vin...
4 cuz I'm in the mood for some merman sex.Hmm...there are a couple of niggles here and there, but merman sex. What can I say?Overall plot: prolly more of a 2.5Realism (ignoring the merman): ehh...3?World creation: 3.5Characterization/development: 3-3.5Ending rather bothered me.It's interesting to se...
2 1/2 - 3 HeartsReview written for MM Good Book Reviews suffers from long term depression, he functions on a day by day basis and to the outside world seems to be happy with his life, but underneath the surface Harry is unsure of himself and doubts his dec...
These stories all seemed exactly the same. Not in theme, which obviously for anthology is to be expected. I mean in tone, style, everything. It felt like they were all written by one person rather than several. Each story was too short for what it wanted to do. The summaries sounded so promising, bu...
With its almost classic pairing of a merman and a human, this could have been a nice enough fairytale, but it fell completely short for me due to its plot flaws. They kept ripping me out of the story right from the moment when Jaran took off his magical ring and, just like this, was human again. C...