by Dan Watters, Caspar Wijngaard
Genre: Science Fiction / Crime / Mystery / Horror / Alternative Universe Year Published: 2016 Year Read: 12/16/2016 Series: Limbo #1 Publisher: Image Comics I would like to thank NetGalley and Image Comics for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I...
Book – LimboAuthor – Dan WattersStar rating - ★★★★★** COPY RECEIVED THROUGH NETGALLEY **There is some incredible artwork here. Not only realistic, but setting the right atmosphere and mood for each scene, while allowing us to see crystal clearly everything that matters in that moment. I really loved...
Weird, but not for me.
9 months of amnesia, saved and taken in by Sandy in Dedande, Mr Clay takes on a case from a femme fatale against the drug lord, the Thumb. This is a world of supernatural events where shamen and others vie for power. Sandy uses voodoo magic to help solve problems. Naturally all is not as it seems. ...