No one will mistake this for great literature or great science fiction, so why rate it so high? Well, I was surprised at how well these held up. I haven't reread this for years--maybe decades. Yet I remember all the stories, some just from the title, others just a few paragraphs in, and that's rare ...
The title story by Patricia Floss is one that Marion Zimmer Bradley not only admired, but she “decided that Pat’s version was henceforth to be considered the ‘official’ version of events on Darkover between the end of Heritage of Hastur and the beginning of [Sharra’s] Exile." Indeed, back in the sec...
Exceptionally good Darkover fanfiction anthology -- mostly novellas, IIRC, and several of them by MZB herself. One unfortunately focusing on Dyan Ardais, whom I loathe, and for whom MZB has an inexplicable sympathy. (Or explicable by facts of her second husband's biography which I wish I didn't kn...
Some of these stories add another level to many characters but particularly to Rohana. “Bride Price” by Bradley herself gives insight into the character of Dom Gabriel as well as why Rohana stays with him. I don’t normally really like Jaelle but she came off as quite likable in “Everything but Fre...
This collection includes some work by Bradley herself, including a piece that appears in one of her novels. “The Hawk-Master’s Son” gives more detail to some popular characters and there is some about the Forbidden Circle in the title story.Perhaps the best one is “The Fires of Her Vengeance” by Su...