Linda Joy Myers is president and founder of the National Association of Memoir Writers, and author of the award winning memoir Don't Call Me Mother—A Daughter's Journey from Abandonment to Forgiveness, and two books on craft: The Power of Memoir, & Journey of Memoir. Her new memoir Song of the...
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Linda Joy Myers is president and founder of the National Association of Memoir Writers, and author of the award winning memoir Don't Call Me Mother—A Daughter's Journey from Abandonment to Forgiveness, and two books on craft: The Power of Memoir, & Journey of Memoir. Her new memoir Song of the Plains, A Memoir of Family Secrets, and Silence, is about breaking generational patterns through art and self-expression. She's a co-author with Brooke Warner of two books: Breaking Ground on Your Memoir and Magic of Memoir. Myers writes for the Huffington Post, and co-teaches the program Write Your Memoir in Six Months with Brooke Warner. Linda has been a therapist for nearly 40 years, where the power of story is part of the healing process. A memoir coach for the last 20 years, Myers enjoys talking about memoir, healing, and the power of writing the truth. Her monthly programs on NAMW offer writers tools to create a memoir that reaches out to others, and helps to heal the past.National Association of Memoir Writers
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