A decidedly "bleh" homage to Sherlock Holmes, which reaches a nadir of unreadability with "The Startling Events in the Electrified City." I couldn't finish the story and thought of giving up on the collection entirely.I persevered, however, and the remaining stories weren't too bad. Just not "too go...
What more could a true Sherlock fan want than a book full of "Sherlock" stories by some of the best writers on the current scene. [b:A Study in Sherlock: Stories inspired by the Holmes canon|10866398|A Study in Sherlock Stories inspired by the Holmes canon|Laurie R. King|http://d.gr-assets.com/boo...
It's entirely possible that this anthology is more brilliant than it appears because I'm not familiar with the ACD canon and so stories that appeared to have little relationship with Sherlock Holmes (including an entire entry by someone writing about the fact that they didn't know anything about Hol...
A couple of misfires, one story that I couldn't quite puzzle out why it was included (inserting the name 'Holmes' does NOT make it a Sherlock Holmes story), but overall a wonderful collection of short stories related to the Holmes canon. The Alan Bradley and Neil Gaiman stories in particular stand o...
Sherlock Holmes fans are a bit like Jane Austen fans. While holding a great reverence for the original works, they are always open to a bit of playing with characters, or storylines, or just about anything related to their favorite author. While Doyle left behind 56 short stories and 4 novels about ...
What a great collection of stories! The authors who wrote stories about Sherlock Holmes did an excellent job, IMO and most of the others were really interesting interpretations, or twists on the Sherlock archetype. A few were written in homage and these were well done. There were really only a co...