Genre: LGBT Historical Paranormal Shape-shifterAfter a lion hunt on the Rhodesian veldt goes awry, Ash Haywood's father beats him to within an inch of his life and leaves him for dead. Rescued by tormented WWII veteran Roy Bennett, Ash begins to experience unexplainable shifts of mood, time, and...
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Genre: LGBT Historical Paranormal Shape-shifterAfter a lion hunt on the Rhodesian veldt goes awry, Ash Haywood's father beats him to within an inch of his life and leaves him for dead. Rescued by tormented WWII veteran Roy Bennett, Ash begins to experience unexplainable shifts of mood, time, and place; the veldt -- and Roy -- take hold of him, body and soul.They will need to be brave, strong, and true to evade the Haywood family's bloodlust and build a future together in the African wilderness and make sense of the appearance of a mysterious young golden lion.Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual situations, graphic language, and material that some readers may find objectionable: male/male sexual practices, violence.
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