by Poppy Z. Brite
Poppy Z. Brite was one of the names I was aware of when I first tried the gay-fiction/MM romance genre back around 4-5 years ago. Her books were always been on the list on the "recommended for you" feature. So I have been wanting this one for such a long time, only to buy it just now usin...
Very good gay fiction about a couple who are line cooks in New Orleans and are approached by a financier interested in helping them open a restaurant. I especially enjoyed reading this while in New Orleans.
I've been planning on reading this book since it came out (yep, I guess six years is about an average lag-time for me to get around to reading something.)Of course I heard all about what a shocking departure this was from her earlier writing, blah blah...Well, it's really not. (Shocking, or a depart...
I love it. Cooking novel. This is like big guilty pleasure time. New Orleans, its restaurants, kitchens, chefs, sous-chefs. The heat, the alcohol. John Rickey and G-Man are two childhood friends et both have worked in kitchens since their teenage years. Rickey did go 4 months to cooking school (see ...
The story begins in a pre-Katrina New Orleans with two out of work line cooks sitting in a tree while getting drunk. So far, this book is a big departure from Brite's earlier work. So far no explicit sex or gore just lots of great descriptions of New Orlean's and food and life as a line cook (a job ...
Although I didn't read the book before this, I thought it stood well on its own. It was a decent read, about two guys who end up starting a restaurant together. There's a bit of drama with a disgruntled former employer and it got kind of crazy there, though not entirely in a bad way.