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I’ve been a little hesitant to try out new authors lately, but I’m really glad I gave Lisa M. Owens a try. It’s been awhile since I’ve been so captivated by just the author’s writing style. I found it difficult to put aside Worth the Coming Home when I needed to work or sleep, alternating between re...
Absolutely hated this book and most of the characters in this story, starting by a too-good-to-be-true saint who blames himself for everything, including getting beaten up, coupled with an unforgiving brother and a lover who's an asshole.
Worth the Coming Home was totally worth the reading. I wasn't sure at first. The dynamics between Dane and Josh bothered me. But as the book progressed things fell into place and I became a fan of these two men and held my breath as their story continued to unfold. I went from being frustrated and a...
Alpha soldier, credible assholes, slutty cowboy it was intense, even the stereotypes were good. Then the foul deed happens and everything falls apart. About this last part I can't stand: - Josh, the holy martyr.- The Uncles, because "We luuuv you, boy, but fuck if we come to see if you're alive or d...
I'm in two minds about this book, tbh. There was a lot that concerned and, frankly, appalled me about it, and other things that I felt were dealt with fairly well.Pros:* I think PTSD was well portrayed. My heart ached for Dane at times.* I liked that reaction to Josh's outing was varied. Often every...