Lisa Manterfield is the creator of, an online forum that gives a voice to women without children. Her writing has been featured in a broad range of publications, including Huffington Post, Los Angeles Times, and Crazy Sexy Life. She has taken her work to the stage at venues...
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Lisa Manterfield is the creator of, an online forum that gives a voice to women without children. Her writing has been featured in a broad range of publications, including Huffington Post, Los Angeles Times, and Crazy Sexy Life. She has taken her work to the stage at venues such as Spark Off Rose and Expressing Motherhood . Lisa is the author of the award-winning memoir I'm Taking My Eggs and Going Home: How One Woman Dared to Say No to Motherhood, which won a silver medal in the 2012 Independent Publishers Book Awards. She has also written a series of guidebooks about California's Wine Country.She lives with her wonderful husband and overindulged cat, and divides her time between the beach and wine country. Everything you ever wanted to know about her but were afraid to ask can be found at
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