Lisa Randall
Birth date: June 18, 1962
Lisa Randall's Books
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(original review, 2006)Hi,I am poor English Portuguese who live in very countly side.We need a Portuguese translate better and I have a Questions.The some day I had did so tough-Job.After that small-black-holl shown up and it had moved and mice and soft membrance?Not a elephant,mice or small birds,d...
Maybe this is obvious to everyone else, but I could not tell from the title, subtitle, or jacket that this is primarily a book about the Large Hadron Collider. It's a very good book about the LHC. And probably I would have read it sooner if I had realized that -- it just looked like another genera...
Interesting book from one who is an expert on the theoretical side of particle physics. Includes some background on the importance of the Higgs field, why it was proposed (decades ago), and how the recent discovery of a "Higgs particle" fit into the theory. The book requires some background in physi...
I've had this on my to-read list for a while, so thought I ought to get to it. I have found Lisa Randell's communications on TV programs to be interesting and her views worth listening to. The thrust of the book appears to be about the LHC, clearly something Randell is very enthusiastic about. While...
This book is dreadful: here are the many reasons why:The material is disorganised. The book is ostensibly about extra spatial dimensions. The concepts are introduced in the first few chapters then don't re-appear until the last few chapters. The Standard Model is introduced twice.The explanations ar...