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My review contains spoilers and they're mostly my thoughts as I went with the book...After years of waiting, I finally finished another Lisa Valdez book. Even though it was not Primrose, much to my utter disappointment, but at least I got to read something from her! Rapunzel was... yah, you got it r...
Rating: 3.5/5Steam: Just off the charts. I gave it an 8 out of 5. Rapunzel, An Erotic Bedtime Story is a new novella from Liza Valdez and it is very much a smuttified version of Rapunzel. It’s not a historical romance inspired by the fairytale but an actual retelling of it. While a historical romanc...
Bu yorum aynı zamanda Romancekolikte yayınlanmıştır.Rapunzel hikayesini bilmeyeniniz yoktur, eğer varsa Alman hikayelerinden olan Rapunzel, kraliyet ailesinden olan bir kızın cadı tarafından kaçırılıp, kuleye kapatılması ve bir prens tarafından kurtarılması olarak anlatılır. Lisa Valdez işin içine b...