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Lissa Jones Johnston
Since Amazon Author Central does not yet support Google+ and Blogspot under their Blogs feed function, I hope you will visit me at those sites by navigating to www.lissajohnston.com. If that doesn't redirect you to my Google+ page you can just search for Lissa Johnston, or go directly to... show more

Since Amazon Author Central does not yet support Google+ and Blogspot under their Blogs feed function, I hope you will visit me at those sites by navigating to www.lissajohnston.com. If that doesn't redirect you to my Google+ page you can just search for Lissa Johnston, or go directly to https://plus.google.com/+LissaJohnston. For Blogspot try lissa-johnston.blogspot.com. Like my writing projects, I am all over the place! Actually, I am in process of deciding which of those two sites I prefer for blogging. AAC does support my Twitter feed correctly, so that should be an easier click to follow me @trying2write.About the writing: my first publications were non-fiction, being the big ol' Research Nerd that I am. Cranked out a few books as you can see listed here. I enjoyed publishing books that would end up on school library shelves with my name on the spine. I spent many happy hours in the school library when I was a kid, so I had a little sentimental attachment there. Recently I turned my attention to trying to break in to the Big Time (fiction). I have half a dozen manuscripts in various stages of completion. I intend to self-publish them, so look for them here soon as e-books. First up is a middle-grade story called The Dala Horse. Drawing on my historical non-fiction roots, it is the story of a first-generation American daughter of Norwegian immigrants in post-Civil War Texas. In addition to entertaining the reader, it includes plenty of background materials in the teaching guide to educate and inform. Look for it soon!
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