By Tomorrow by Katy Regnery - Reading a book by Katy Regnery feels like looking into her soul. Her characters are reflective, identifiable and lovable as a whole. The characters are pure, the writing is deeply moving and the romance is off the charts, despite it's simplicity. With Jamie and Clair...
I think this was a really awesome idea. I have read and loved several of these authors before. I was really looking forward to their group creation. FEA is mostly suppose to be a comedy I think. It also has romance and erotic in the mix. I was unable to find it funny or sexy. Sadly, it did not...
Complimentary copy provided by author for an honest review.Lacey Silks - Perfectly EquippedI love reading the books of Lacey Silks they always keep me wanting more this is also the same with this short story of April a widowed mother who goes with her best friend to a nudist resort. There she meets...
First of all, I have to mention how amazing it is for the authors, and those who put this anthology together, to donate the proceeds to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. Now, it's rare for me to give an anthology a five-star rating, but I think this may be the best anthology I have ever read....
Book – Hot for Teacher Author – Anthology (broken down by author below) Publication Date – October 28, 2014 Genre – Romance Type – Anthology Cliffhanger – Some individual stories do Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars Complimentary Copy generously provided Author in exchange for an honest review. Debating N...
5 Stars!Loved these short stories from most of my favorite authors!The stories were funny, sexy, and had just the right amount of paranormal romance which is perfect for Halloween.Highly recommend this book!
Bookbub, thou shalt not seduce thy subscribers. I bought this one thanks to a lovely 99c offer on Kobo and because I was intrigued by the Tantra themed plot. The story is told in the present tense (not my favourite narrative) and solely from the hero's point of view, also a novelty to me and one I d...