by Alexander Gordon Smith
**No spoilers.Well, that was a good time. For me, anyway. Not for Alex, the MC. Dude inadvertently landed himself in the WORST PRISON IN THE HISTORY OF PRISONS. Seriously. Sign me up for death if my only other option is to go into Furnace.With a name like Furnace and with its description of being bu...
I got this book ... must have been last year; I can't even really remember, but a while ago. And I kept flipping right past it every time I was looking for something new to read, because I had this idea that I wasn't actually going to like it.Well, I was wrong. I have no idea why it engaged me so, b...
I think I'm going to bump this to 4.5 stars because I can't stop thinking about it! In fact, when I went to sleep I was picturing the wheezers and literally had to remind myself that it was just a's not real's're a big girl....ok fine, just cuddle up to the mister..h...
Wow. This book is edge of your seat, heart pounding rollercoaster of a ride!! I was hooked from the get go.