by Jenny Sterlin, Laurie R. King
I thought this one was going to end up my least favourite of the series when it started. I've been listening to these on audio and I have sometimes struggled with the author's beautifully written but ultimately long descriptive passages. Couple this with the fact that I lost patience with Mary and...
I surprised myself by giving this 4 stars - might get downgraded later - but I really did enjoy it. The construction of the book is so complicated (time wise as well as two voices) that she nearly lost control at times, but I enjoy very much the way she keeps all the time lines going, and mostly ena...
This is absolutely my most favorite series ever! Every book in the series is fantastic-5 star! If you like Sherlock Holmes, you have to read this pastiche. King's is the best one I've read yet.
I greatly enjoyed this, and decided to give this full marks. The series is basically Sherlock Holmes fanfic, with the great detective given a female romantic and professional partner. So many ways it could have gone wrong, but I never have felt King's creation Mary Russell was a Mary Sue--for all he...
I don't recall past Russell novels providing such an intimate glimpse of Holmes point of view, and while it was frustrating experiencing a tiny bit of Russell's distress, King balances this beautifully with Holmes' methodical yet concerned perspective. It's a delicate business imaging the rigidly co...
After the adventure in The Game, are Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes on a route to San Francisco to settle some legal affairs surrounding the inheritance of Mary's family's estate. But, Mary is having awful nightmares as the ship is closing in on San Francisco. Could the nightmares have something t...
This book was fantastic..took a look at Mary's background and why she is who she is. That is all I can say without going into spoilers. Up there with my favorite MR books.