by Annie Di Donna, Alecos Papadatos, Christos H. Papadimitriou, Apostolos Doxiadis
THIS IS NOT MY PERSONAL OPINIONIT IS THAT OF MY CLOSE FRIEND JOEI suspect someone more familiar with the players and their theories would get even more out of this, but I definitely feel more kindly and receptive toward these eggheads, having seen through this their human sides and their passionate ...
Bertrand Russell's grandmother tried to find absolute certainty in religion and Russell tried to find it in mathematics, but mathematics and religion (and philosophy and language) are products of the human mind. They are attempts to create a map or model of reality, but models and maps are by their...
Disappointed is the one word I would use to describe my experience with this book. It's hefty, and, on first glance, appears to be rather substantial; but the fact is, it ends up being a short story (perhaps it would fill 50 pages of conventional text) peppered mostly with illustrations of Bertrand...
An educational graphic novel. I picked it up expecting to learn a bit about logic, a subject I am interested in, but didn't find it all that interesting. Maybe a math major would like this one... Definitely not recommended for others....
Nicely done biography of Bertrand Russell and his search. I didn't like the editorial panels nearly as much as I liked the bio, and though I get why they included and ended with The Orestia, I still found it jarring. I wanted more Bertie. I enjoyed the majority of this graphic novel very much, and w...
David Foster Wallace's Everything and More had a brief introduction I am probably misquoting: the temptation in writing about math is to write about the mathematicians. And cue madness, arrogance, appalling behavior... (and put the math back in mothballs, and bury the trunk in the basement.)Logicom...